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Oleg Prusov's

9. Stealer of ideas, 1994

Chapter: The Great Conquerors

Linen, oil, 800x1000 mm

Stealer of ideas. A job that can be talked about a lot. It depicts a man of about forty, pensive, completely closed from the outside world. But... This work is Oleg’s self-portrait, as he saw himself in the future. The artist in his interviews said that if you trace the evolution of art from the ancient world to the present day, you can clearly see how some techniques of fine art flow into others. As in the works of some famous artists, you can catch the "foundation" of the previous ones. Everyone is borrowing something from each other... It is about this with easy sad self-irony that after about 15 years he himself will have to painfully search for images, and Oleg wrote on his canvases. Oleg Prusov’s archive was a photo album in which one of the pages reveals the path to the image of this work with the ironic caption "Do you think spring will come, dear, you’re an optimist."

One of the details of this work is an emoticon hidden in one of the frames depicted in the picture, which peeps from the canvas with a grin at its viewer.